Collecting debts - what not to do

From today's Muncie Star-Press:

BREAK-IN: A Muncie man was arrested Saturday afternoon, accused of dealing several thousand dollars worth of property from acquaintances.

The suspect, Stephen E. Nipper Jr., 27, 2611 S. Tacoma Drive, was preliminarily charged with burglary, a class B felony, after police found him trying to sell property stolen from a home at 307 E. Harvard Ave.

The victims said Nipper had dropped his son off at their residence and apparently came back and took property that included a shotgun, gold and diamond jewelry and cameras, police officer Melissa Pease reported.

Nipper claimed the victims owed him money for work. He remains in jail without bond.

Folks, small claims does not cost that much and if you are owed more than $3,000.00 then a lawyer is still cheaper than sitting in jail. Think about it.


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